The Duo of Shantal and Tiziana made quite an impression on us when they featured on former Giveback Show performer Richard Pikaso's track A Different Hand. Their EP Benefits of a liar gave us a view of the musical stylings of the musical couple that have that fairy tale love story for four years.

After working with these two and seeing them perform on multiple occasions you can see that they compliment each other not only musically but as people. While Shantal does the fun songs she also provides the melodies while Tiziana provides the soul the depth behind some of the songs. The song benefits of a liar featuring Xeno is one of those tracks.
The track and the video reach into your soul as we all have dealt with someone who has lied to them at one point or another and the consequences behind it both emotionally and physically. This is a video you should ultimately check out.

Benefits of a liar is out on all digital retail platforms and streaming services. You should totally go buy it and support these two strong independent women.
Follow them everywhere @duoherstory