Nina Chestnut, played by Megan Holder, is a pastry chef who agrees to host her family for the holidays in this family Christmas comedy. She impersonates a wealthy homeowner to impress them and shed the "black sheep" moniker she has worn her whole life. Everything looks to be going swimmingly until everyone's secrets are disclosed, and relationships begin to crumble.
Megan Holder and Brad James, who plays Malcolm Butler, Nina's hired love interest, talk about their experience filming after COVID was shut down. The film's crew was ecstatic to move from pre-production on Zoom to the chance to collaborate in person and truly experience and hang out with each other.
Megan says she would go all-in if she were a 'rent-a-girlfriend' for the holidays. Collard greens with ham hocks are her go-to meal for showcasing her culinary abilities. Brad James, a newlywed, is looking forward to spending time with his family, cracking jokes, and guessing who brought a "rent-a-boyfriend/girlfriend." He's looking forward to the matching family onesies, which will include one for the dog. Megan is looking forward to spending the holidays at home with her family, watching "The Preacher's Wife."
Be sure to tune in to 'A Chestnut Family Christmas' tonight at 9pm EST on OWN.